New Episode of Ridiculousness JoJo

Tonight we got special guest JoJo on Ridiculousness! I absolutely love JoJo. I remember playing her song “Too Little Too Late” over and over as a pre teen LOL. I honestly think JoJo should be way more popular because she has such an amazing voice and vocal range. Her songs are inspiring to young women and relatable. She’s definitely an artist I admire and would love to work with someday in the future.

Seriously, having JoJo on Ridiculousness is one of the highlights of Ridiculousness Season 17 for real. Her episode was hilarious, like every episode, and JoJo definitely has a good sense of humor. That’s always much appreciated in a guest LOL.

Hope you guys all enjoy seeing JoJo on Ridiculousness in tonight’s episode! Make sure to check out JoJo’s latest album, “Good to Know.” But hey, give a list to my new single #NoPlans, too! And enjoy season 17 of Ridiculousness, y’all. Check back in on the blog soon!

Shot from the episode of Ridiculousness
Chanel West Coast